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Order salad dressing


Buy here the ingredients for your delicious salad dressing! We offer you the diverse products of two German brands. Whether herbal dressing, balsamic, American Caesar or French - enjoy our German products. In addition: Who ordered online, has more choice!

So easy to prepare your salad dressing yourself!

How do you make a salad dressing? Especially when it has to be fast? Simple: Mix three tablespoons of water and three tablespoons of oil with your favorite dressing - ready! Then add the dressing to the salad. What is a salad without salad dressing? Put on more taste!

Your salad dressing with ingredients from Germany - give your herbs to your salad!

Whether KNORR salad coronation or spicy garden herbs - enjoy the ingredients. Do you like the local herbs? By drying, they are gently preserved. This convinces every salad lover. Salad is healthy! Of course, products from Knorr or Kühne are also a treat for vegetarians!

A typical German dish - potato salad - with the right salad dressing a treat!

On every package you will find delicious recipes! You want to cook typically German? How about a simple potato salad? All you need is potatoes, some white wine vinegar and a teaspoon of KNORR delicacy broth. Boil about 400 grams of potatoes in salted water. Stir the Knorr broth into 125 ml of hot water. In addition, stir in the vinegar and mix everything. Let it rest for 10 minutes - and you're done! Season with pepper. In 20 minutes the delicious potato salad is ready. So enjoy a typical German meal - ideal for parties!

By the way: Do you know the difference between dressing and vinaigrette?

Every salad dressing has its own taste. Order the variety from us! Get to know the subtle differences. For example, between dressing and vinaigrette! Vinaigrette is not as well-defined in its ingredients as dressing. That's why you can try a lot. For example, mix mustard or egg yolk with vinegar. While the dressing is a bit creamier, a vinaigrette should be quite thin. We wish you a lot of fun tasting! Order our products from Germany.